Healing Session
Let's work together to courageously heal the roots of our painful patterns, self sabotage, fear, and whatever holds us back or pushes us too hard. Become the leader that everyone wants to follow.
Healing sessions are necessary when leadership tools aren’t enough because there is a wound at the root of negative patterns. Sometimes the wound is hidden and subconscious, but the pain and discomfort is real.
Even the highest functioning leader can be puppeteered by unresolved trauma buried deep inside. These leaders usually have resources to regulate their pain and push themselves harder and harder, but the absence of true healing can cost them everything.
I understand this cycle in my own life, ending up in burn out from an overwhelmed nervous system and years of over-functioning.
The solution is to dive deeper than what is comfortable. And with a trusted coach trained in the Trauma Clearing Method, leaders can navigate their complex and sensitive inner world and find freedom and healing at last.
I could have ignored and driven myself harder and harder, never facing what I was running from, and ended up in the exact situation I was trying to avoid. This is what happens, when we don’t do our deepest work.