I heard something recently on manifesting... the latest in how to. And I realized that I haven’t been thinking this way in a long time. I believe we manifest subconsciously, and move with intention at the same time. And I actually like practical steps to getting to where and what I want.
But something about manifesting this week caught my attention.
What is the feeling you are going for in this idea that you want to manifest? How do you think it is going to make you feel?
This has me wondering, Is it actually a feeling we are looking for? We want to feel a certain way and we think that this or that is going to deliver?
So I stayed with the question; Just shortened the question to, how do I want to feel?
Ahh, I want to feel…
Connected deeply
In Love
Relaxed (or whatever the opposite of anxious is)
Then I asked myself, what do I already do that makes me feel any of these emotions? In other words, how am I already here?
The following things come to mind…
Coffee with friends
Being quiet inside myself
Journalling and water color with beautiful music and candles lit
Chatting with Chris on the couch with a glass of wine
Planning trips and events
Having people over for dinner, setting a beautiful table
Sleeping in
As I thought about these activities and states of being, I quickly noticed the beautiful feelings I have within me. But I also noticed the little anxious threads of thought that try to weave into my mind. What about this…What if…what if…
I wondered if all the things I want to feel are already with me, but anxiety competes for the inner space. And I wonder about this for you?
Do you want to feel at peace and not anxious? Not worried about all the little things?
So maybe it’s not about manifesting a new thing at all. Maybe it is about clearing the anxiety from mind and body so the other feelings you want to feel can be consistently present in you.
Dare I say you don’t need to manifest what is already within you. But you do need to make room in yourself for your essence to enjoy all that is uniquely you within.
Already you. Already enough. Already full of that which you want.
Try this deep dive, make three lists:
What are the feelings you want to feel?
What, when, where do you already feel these feelings sometimes?
What thoughts might be getting in the way of feeling these feelings more?